Did you know?

91% social media users access Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn on their smartphones and about 2 billion business use Facebook for advertising.

Social media platforms promote user engagement and get people to talk about your brand. Social Media Marketing is about creating and promoting your content on social media networks so that your marketing goals are achieved.

An expert social media strategy entails posting your updates in the form of text, image, video, or any other content at the right time when they are most likely to draw maximum eyeballs from your target audience.


We consider online video marketing an important tool in your marketing arsenal.Viral video marketing is one of the best and the most cost-effective form of marketing. With close collaborations with versatile and innovative studios, we can deliver high impact content.
As of 2016, 70% of all mobile traffic was for video content


Almost every conceivable brand is present on Facebook, but only a few of them stand out and become relevant. Our dedicated team of content creators, updaters, strategists & programmers are constantly evolving and innovating to be on the forefront.


Twitter claimed 321 million monthly users as of Feb 2019
A great platform for one on one conversations With a strong presence of early adopters, the objective most brands fail to achieve is creating a strong connect with their customers. Credibility is tirelessly established via through constant effort and personalisation of content.

online Advertising

Online Advertising is like a double-edged sword that requires special systems and skills to be wielded effectively. Our team effectively pushes relevant content to the desired audience maximising R.O.I.

Content Creation

From Infographics, to memes, videos, blogs, photo-blogs, event coverage, live tweeting & contests are all part of our exhaustive and tested repertoire.